Hochland Deutschland recieves „Award for constant product quality“

The DLG (German Agricultural Society) Test Center Food & Beverages has now presented the company trophy “Award for constant product quality” to the firm Hochland Deutschland from Heimenkirch for the 29th time. This award stands for continuous pursuit of quality and is only granted when foods have been regularly and successfully tested by DLG for at least five years. DLG Vice President Dr. Diedrich Harms handed over the Award Certificate at a ceremony in Fulda with the words: “Only quality and consistency create future”.

For many years, companies in the food industry have been having their products tested on a voluntary basis by DLG experts. In order to promote this pursuit of quality in the long term, DLG grants the “Award for constant product quality”.

To be eligible, companies must have submitted products to the International Quality Tests at the DLG Test Center Food & Beverages for five consecutive years and been granted at least three awards per year. As of the fifth year of successful participation, the company is rewarded with the “Award for constant product quality”. Producers who do not submit products in one of the years or who do not achieve the necessary number of awards lose their claim to the award.

Here you will find the press release for download.

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