Our donation strategy
Getting involved in society and actively helping to shape it - this is in keeping with Hochland's self-image and tradition.
As an internationally active family business, Hochland is aware that it bears responsibility that goes beyond being economically successful: We are responsible for the people in whose lives Hochland plays a role, and bear responsibility for the environment whose resources we use.
As a family business, we see our mission primarily in supporting families, children and young people, as well as in protecting the environment. Our priorities are education, equal opportunities and social cohesion. At our company headquarters in Heimenkirch, it is the shareholder families of the Hochland Group in particular who show a high level of personal commitment.
Hochland is committed to these causes by donating in kind and money.
Hochland SE's subsidiaries abroad also support social projects in their countries.
Throughout Germany, we support selected projects on a long-term basis and with larger sums, too - here are some current examples: