Our donation strategy

Getting involved in society and actively helping to shape it - this is in keeping with Hochland's self-image and tradition.

As an internationally active family business, Hochland is aware that it bears responsibility that goes beyond being economically successful: We are responsible for the people in whose lives Hochland plays a role, and bear responsibility for the environment whose resources we use. 

As a family business, we see our mission primarily in supporting families, children and young people, as well as in protecting the environment. Our priorities are education, equal opportunities and social cohesion. At our company headquarters in Heimenkirch, it is the shareholder families of the Hochland Group in particular who show a high level of personal commitment.

Hochland is committed to these causes by donating in kind and money. 

Hochland SE's subsidiaries abroad also support social projects in their countries.

​​​​​​​Throughout Germany, we support selected projects on a long-term basis and with larger sums, too - here are some current examples:

Diakonie Herzogsägmühle, Peiting

Diakonie Herzogsägmühle has been helping and supporting people since 1894. It provides a wide variety of integrative services: Training and work in their own businesses (e.g. bakery, gardening, agriculture,...), housing for people with disabilities and homeless assistance, to name but a few. Young people with special support needs, refugees and people with mental illness are also cared for and trained.

With Kinderhilfe Oberland GmbH, Diakonie Herzogsägmühle also promotes the development of children with retardation, physical, mental or emotional impairments or disabilities.

Go to homepage: www.herzogsaegmuehle.de

KIWI project (Care e.V.)

KIWI stands for culture, interculturality, values and initiative.

The integration project KIWI promotes diversity, intercultural competence and the togetherness and understanding of democracy of children and young people. The aim is to positively strengthen children's and young people's identities and to promote integration at school.

Teachers and educational professionals can strengthen and further develop their intercultural competences. Schools and extracurricular educational institutions are accompanied in opening up interculturally and towards diversity-oriented education.

Go to homepage: www.care.de

Freunde alter Menschen (e.V.) (Friends of the Elderly)

Freunde alter Menschen e.V. is a non-profit association based in Germany since 1991. Since 2021, a place of encounter has been established in Munich, which we support.

The aim of the association is to help elderly people suffering from loneliness and isolation to participate in social life again. Friendship, affection and loyalty are the basis of social engagement.

People have varying degrees of need for social contact - but most of us need human proximity and attention. Unfortunately, older people in particular often lack this. They live alone and far away from their family, friends have often already passed away. And even if the required care is provided for, there is still something missing. Because real friendship cannot be replaced by services. Friends of the Elderly therefore arranges visiting partnerships between young and old to alleviate the loneliness of ageing. As a rule, volunteers from the association regularly visit an elderly person at home. Often friendships develop that last a lifetime and old people become old friends.

Go to homepage: www.famev.de

Ronald McDonald House

Ronald McDonald House Charities is committed to the health and well-being of children and their families. The non-profit organisation builds and operates Ronald McDonald houses and oasis throughout Germany where parents and siblings can stay close when a child is seriously ill and needs to be treated in hospital.

The Ronald McDonald House in Munich-Großhadern was opened in June 1997 as a temporary home for families whose seriously ill children are being treated at Klinikum Großhadern hospital.

Since 2005, Hochland has been supporting the Ronald McDonald House in Munich-Großhadern with a permanent sponsorship for a flat, enabling families to be with their sick child for an unlimited period of time. In addition, since 2021 the house has received an annual grant for carrying out activities together, such as joint cooking evenings. 

Go to homepage: www.mcdonalds-kinderhilfe.org

Hochland shareholder families

The families of the shareholders are particularly concerned about the long-term support and thus the sustainable positive development of children and young people. In the upper district of Lindau, they therefore work together with educational institutions such as schools, music schools or Lebenshilfe e.V. and finance multi-year projects. Examples of this are additional hours of social workers for the individual support of pupils or whole families, measures to promote health, the teaching of ecological knowledge or additional lessons on values and democracy education. In addition, they keep filling up the "Kinder-Euro" pot of the Kinderschutzbund (child protection association) for families in need.

Good neighbourly relations

It is important to Hochland to maintain a good neighbourhood with clubs, schools and organisations regionally and thereby strengthen the community. The projects we support are carried out at or in the vicinity of our locations and can be witnessed and followed by us. Depending on the need, we participate with a donation in kind or money.

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