First sustainability day for the employees

On the first sustainability day, Hochland employees received comprehensive insights into their company's commitment to sustainability. On an exciting tour, they were able to get to know all dimensions of sustainability at Hochland, including insights on the branded products, ergonomic measures at the workplace, the reduction of water and energy consumption, electric cars and the use of "C02-friendly" electricity.

At various stations, visitors were able to check how much they already know about sustainability ‒ and how much they can contribute to a more sustainable life style. The calculation of their own ecological footprint was one of the interactive highlights of the day: Almost 50 percent of the visitors took their time and answered questions around mobility, habitation, nutrition and consumption. Based in this information the individual results were calculated ‒ and brought some surprises for the participants.

The day did not only provide thoughtful and critical aspects, but also a lot of positive, motivating impulses and success stories of Hochland on their way to sustainability, as in the example of the quality program "Milk for Hochland".

“Why is it sustainability worthwhile?" Answers to this question could be found through various media, from “knowledge cards” to short videos.

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