More naturalness on fields and in meadows
Not only food production has changed in recent decades due to technical progress: so has agriculture. In some areas, this has a negative impact on humans and on nature.
Non-selective herbicides do not distinguish between weeds and young crop ‒ they destroy all sorts of plants. Their advantage is that weeds are killed and young crop and forage plants will grow better after sowing. In addition, the soil can be worked even more gently, because further spraying, weeding and plowing is not needed. This saves working time and costs.
Unfortunately, non-selective herbicides also destroy many wild plants which are an important part of the ecosystem. Bees and many other insects feed on these plants.
Fermentation substrate from biogas plants is also problematic:
Although it provides important nutrients to fertilize the soil and is a useful recycling method for organic residues, the use of the substrate can be problematic: If it comes from biogas plants that use packaged food residues, microplastics and food residues can get on the fields and thus in the feed cycle.
Hochland and their dairy farmers at the Schongau site have carefully considered the advantages and disadvantages of non-selective herbicides and fermentation substrate, and have laid down clear rules for their use in the future.
More information on our decision can be found in our press release.